Family, History and Love

Wanda and I have been discussing, of late, the need to set down in writing some portion of our family history so that in the future our children and grandchildren will have the stories and tales of our lives direct from the source. The technophile that I am, I choose to do this online so that the what we write will be accessible and available for comment to our wider family (though I reserve the right to moderate those comments).

To that end, I have repurposed this blog. In coming posts, we will endeavor to provide an abridged story of our life (hey, everyone has their secrets). We're writing this for our children and their children and those that come later so elements of these tales will be familiar only to our family,

Monday, February 11, 2008

Misty Morning

When I was in the Submarine Service, my favorite time of day, when in port, was the hour right around dawn. That was the time that I would go up on deck with a cup of hot coffee and watch the sunrise. If it was cloudy, I'd watch the mist rise off the water.

Dawn is a peaceful time of the day. The water is usually calm, the harbor is quiet, and everyone seems to me minding their own business. Since life is pretty hectic on a sub, and very crowded, a few moment of peace and solitude were necessary components to continued sanity.

I captured this image of Mount Vesuvious wrapped in the clouds from the deck of the USS Springfield on a misty day in 1994 when we were moored in Naples, Italy. It was a few days before Christmas, and we had only been in port for a day and a night after several weeks at sea.

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