Ryker had his first birthday on the 10th of September. His 1st day party wasn't until the following Sunday, but we just had to go over and see him on his birthday and take him a balloon and give him a few hugs and kisses. We were there for Jocelyn's actual 1st birthday and we didn't want to miss his either. His other grandparents came over too and we all had a good time watching him play with his balloon and open a couple of presents.
Of course, his sister had to help him play with his new toys, but he didn't mind at all. As long as as he was able to drool on the various parts and pieces, he was just fine. In fact, he much preferred the paper and the boxes to the actual toys. Such is the nature of a one-year-old.

Ryker is such a happy baby, and he was certainly thrilled with all the attention he received. He was surrounded by people who loved him - his parents, both sets of grandparents, his sister and his Auntie TT. He knew that no matter to whom he crawled, he was going to be hugged and kissed. And he's definitely a huggable little boy.
By the time Sunday arrived, everyone was ready for a party. We all gathered at his house for pizza, treats, and cake and ice-cream. His Grandma Wanda picked up his cake from Albertson's on the way over to his house, and we were very pleased with the way it was decorated. Ryker's mom is the artist in our family, and she designed a photo of a little turtle with some insect friends for his cake.

Wanda and I have assigned icons to our grandkids, based on their looks and personalities. They may not make a lot of sense to others, but we know the meaning behind them and they fit for us. Ryker is represented by a turtle. I suppose that's mainly because since the day he was born I've always referred to him as "Dude" or "Ryker Dude" and Makayla, who loves the movie
Finding Nemo, and calls all the sea turtles in the movie "dude." Combined with his look and crawl, a turtle just seemed to fit. His sister, Makayla, is represented by a butterfly and his cousin, Jocelyn, is a little ladybug.
The party featured lots of yummy treats:

Lots and lots of pizza:

A great play structure that Greg built for the kids:

Which features a nice big slide:

After pizza and playtime, it was time for presents:

And cake:

And we even had a contingent of papparazzi (on in this case "grandmarazzi):

But no party would be complete without the Happy Birthday Serenade!:
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