I undertook a review of my photography for the past year to answer those questions and I determined the following:
1. I had about two dozen or so photos that I considered worthy of publication. This is much, much less than in previous years. That relates primarily to the next item.
2. I took far fewer photos this year than I have in previous years. This is, I think, primarily due to the issues I discussed in my last entry. I would say that most years I take an average of two or three thousand photographs, sometimes even more. This year I doubt I took more than a thousand photos total. And, when my heart is in it, I get much better results than a couple of dozen worthy shots.
3. In some ways, my techniques did improve considerably. I added some equipment that allowed me to have far more versatility with my studio lighting, and I’ve really improved my techniques with outdoor fill flash. I also shot quite a bit of film this year (which also contributed to the reduction in volume mentioned above), and I found that I have a much easier time compensating for adverse lighting conditions to get the exposure correct. Having said that, though, I didn’t practice and improve on some skills that I had intended to work on this year, such as macro photography and wildlife photography. I did try my hand at wildlife photography (specifically birding), but I discovered that my longest lens (300mm) isn’t quite sufficient to do a good job at it. So, fates willing, I’ll add a 100-400mm f4L zoom to my lens collection this year.
4. The last question is probably the most difficult to answer, but if I’m completely honest with myself, I would say, not really. I shot a few fairs and festivals. I documented a rafting trip with my family and friends. I did some portraits and some glamour shoots for a few clients, but I didn’t really shoot anything that “wows” me. In 2003 I shot an incredible sunset in Death Valley and in 2004 I got some terrific shots of a fire dancer and of the Oregon Coast. This year, I just couldn’t seem to pull any great shots out of my heart.
In 2006 I hope to do much better. First of all, I’m going to make a concerted effort to get out of the house on an early morning a couple of times a month. I’m already planning several photographic day trips to photograph in specific locations: The Columbia River Gorge (Eagle Creek, Punchbowl Falls, Rooster Rock, Shepherd’s Falls), Silver Falls State Park, McKenzie Bridge, Crater Lake National Park, Brandon Beach, Ecola Point, Haystack Rock, Seaside, Astoria, and Deschutes. I’m also planning a trip to Hawaii in the spring, so that should definitely help me to get the creative juices flowing.
I’m also hoping to work with a few new models this year. I have a project I’d like to start working on. I simply need s couple of sets of faery wings to get started. I have several models who are interested in working with me. So, I think, 2006 should be a much better year for me photographically. Wish me luck.
So let me share with you, some of my favorite photographs from 2005. There aren’t many, but there are the ones I like:
This coloful fellow was the jester at the 2005 Washington Renaissance and Fantasy Fair. He was a jolly fellow and kept the fair crowds well entertained. I got several shots of him throughout the weekend we were there, but I like this one best.
This gent was one of the knights at the Washington Renaissance and Fantasy Fair. He was one of the younger knights, out to prove himself, and he was an excellent rider. I liked this photo because I think it captured his determination to do well in the tourney.
This was, as I recall, the only female in the tourney this year. She was determined and fierce, and gave us a real show. I caught her as she galloped into a sword fighting exhibition. Unfortunately, I cut off I tiny bit of the horses nose. Still, this shot, I think captures a sense of motion and spirit.
This is Bonnie Stangelove, one of the Thryce Wycked Wenches, a singing troupe at the fair. Bonnie is a beautiful redhead with a wonderful voice and a most expressive face. The other two wenches are sweethearts too, but I really didn’t get any good photo of them this year. The Thryce Wycked Wenches sing bawdy songs of a dubious nature and are hilarious! If you ever get a chance to see them, don’t miss it.
This is a a musical troupe from the fair. They play authentic music from days gone by.
This is my favorite red-headed wench. I just love this shot of her for some reason. She’s a fine wench, with a big heart and a beautiful smile.
This is the sunset over the Deschutes River in Maupin, Oregon. We did a rafting trip there earlier this year, and as we were sitting around the camp on the last day of rafting, I shot this photograph. There’s another photo coming up later with a different view of the sunset, but I like the bridge and the river in this shot.
I don’t know why I like this shot so much. It’s just a candid taken on the first day of the Oregon Country Fair. The lady was in an animated conversation with a couple of gents, and she just looked so colorful and ready to have fun that I couldn’t help but aim my lens at her.
I don’t know what these are, but they were on display at the Oregon Country Fair and I thought they would make a good photograph. I think they did. What do you think?
This colorful young lady sat down beside me at the Oregon Country Fair while we were having some lunch. She was with a group of her friends and they were having a great time at the fair. She most graciously consented to posing for me, and I really love her smile and the colorful attire and makeup.
This is my friend, Tia, after she spent some time with Kathleen, the body painter, at the Oregon Country Fair. Tia’s a sweetheart, and a wonderful person. Doesn’t she have a lovely smile?
Candles at the fair. I just thought they made a wonderful set of repetitive elements for a photograph. The Oregon Country Fair is great for finding these little colorful scenes. The OCF was probably my biggest photographic event this year. The first day of the fair was pretty wet and rainy, though, which sort of cut down on the volume of photos I was able to take as well as the number of attendees.
Matching sets - more body painting at the fair. This couple actually asked me to take their photo because they had seen some previous photos of mine. They bought a couple of photos from me as well.
This lovely lady posed for me at the Shrewsbury Ren Fair. It’s a nice portrait that’s full of color. I guess what I like about this photo is that half smile and the lovely dimple in her cheek.
This is Gabby. She’s a real sweetie. Although she’s not related, she’s like a niece to me. She has a wonderful smile, but like any teenager, can be a real pill to her parents. I always have fun with her though.
This is Gabby’s mom, Bridgett. She’s a very close friend and a real sweetheart in her own right. She’s my IM buddy and keeps me company on the days when I work from home. She and her husband are among our closest and dearest friends, and I’m hoping to get to do a photoshoot with her in 2006. I’ve worked a deal out with her husband--I’ll loan him my redhead for a shoot, if he’ll loan me his. It should be fun.
These are the cliffs along the White River near Maupin, Oregon. This is near the confluence of the Deschutes River and the White River. If you walk up the White River a ways, you’ll find a natural water slide. I shot a lot of photos there too, but this is a better shot.
A natural light portrait in a pub in St. Helens, Oregon; a river port along the Columbia River, north and west of Portland. I just love the subtle play of light on her face and on her hair.
This is my niece, Sasha. I traveled home to Georgia in June of this past year, and I spent a day or so shooting her. She a sweet girl, but rather shy and rather spoiled. I’m afraid I spoiled her even more. That’s okay, though, since I don’t see her very often. She has been raised by her grandparents by very strict rules (which has been very good for her). I gave her a bit of a break by taking her to my mom’s house for the weekend (and my mom’s anything but strict). We went to Stone Mountain for a day of photos and this was one of my favorites.
This is another shot of the sunset a Maupin, Oregon. It’s reminiscent of the sunset photos I took in Death Valley in 2003. I just really like this shot, even though it’s a bit cliched.