This was the year she learned to crawl, learned to walk, expanded her vocabulary, and learned to say "Papa," much to the annoyance of her grandmother who has been trying to get her to say "Grandmama" since the day she was born. She's only called for her grandmother one or twice, but she uses "Papa" with great regularity, much to my delight. In fact, most of the bright points of the year were due to this little lady.
But, there wasn't much photography in the long, dreary month of January. But, occasionally, nature throws us a surprise and we get a nice day for some outdoor photography, and in January this came midway through the month with a nice, heavy snowfall that kept most of us at home and indoors, but I took advantage of the clear weather after the snow to get a few outdoor glamour photos in my portfolio:
February sported clearer skies, and after such a dreary January, I just had to get out for a walk in the sun. I live near a community college, so a walk on their campus was just the thing. There are lots of interesting structures and sculptures there, including this lovely fountain in the middle of a koi pond.
The koi were having none of the cold weather though, and they kept well hidden in the reeds and beneath the ice. Who could blame them?
And even a mystical creature or two:
And as the year moved on, the grandbaby became quite the camera ham:
And to play with the baby in the grass:
May saw the project completed (at the expense of my poor back):
And the warm weather even had the rest of the family bringing out their cameras:
June brought a first birthday and party:
And the grill got lots of use:
In July, we went to Georgia for a visit with the extended family and to spend some time with my very sick mother. Although we spent most of our time at the hospital with her, we did manage to go to a local parade:
Take some silly pictures:
And I even found some time to shoot some glamour:
And, of course, there was the annual Oregon Country Fair:
August was a busy, fun, and sad month. We had a wonderful Luau party the first weekend of the month:
Enjoyed the Hillsboro Airshow with the Navy Blue Angels the next weekend:
Visited San Francisco, Napa Valley, and Jeremy and Kristin the following weekend:
Unfortunately, after a very long illness, my mother passed away later that week, and we had to fly back to Georgia to attend her funeral and settle her estate:
September meant a wedding:
Complete with flower girl:
A great birthday party for a friend:
And of course, the Portland Pirate Festival:
September also had me working with a lovely new model:
October brought a trip to the pumpkin patch:
Fall foliage:
Falling leaves:
And a little fairy's first Trick or Treating:
November, of course, means Thanksgiving, and Jeremy and Kristin managed to make it home for the festivities:
That brings us to December, and to the last few days of the year. The tree was decorated:
And presents were opened:
But the best news this year, came on Christmas Eve, when our son told us we were to be grandparents again in 2008. So, despite the sniffles, we end the year on a positive note with high hopes for 2008 and best wishes for our family, friends and acquaintances.